Abdominal Belt

Abdominal Belt


  • Compression over surgical incisions
  • Size : 32,34,36,38,40ze


SKU: N/A Category:


To protect and bind surgical incisions of the abdominal and the chest.
For post delivery mothers to tone up the mellowed abdominal muscles and set the waistline to its pre pregnancy dimensions
In postoperative cases of thorax and abdomen it facilitates the patient to expel the phlegm without any pain, relieving the patient from dangerously congested lungs, which can otherwise result in pneumonia, pleurisy of other damaging complications.
Reduce the discomfort of sudden rib cage expansion from deep breaths, cough or sneezing during recovery.
Used as a general tummy trimmer, it compresses the abdominal wall to give the wearer a coveted slim figure.
Cold wash in mild detergent without wringing

Additional information


32, 32, 36, 38, 40